Two Bridges Music Now Offering Erhu Lessons

The erhu, or the Chinese violin, is an exciting addition to the private lessons offered by Two Bridges Music.

The two-stringed bowed instrument is particularly known for highlighting an individual’s emotional range. Given enough practice, the erhu can even mimic the tranquil songs of twittering animals. The erhu’s rich sound is embedded in Chinese history and is a welcome aspect of culture that Two Bridges Music aims to bring to the community.

Beginning this fall, Wei-Yang Andy Lin will be teaching private erhu lessons. Taiwanese-born violist and erhuist, Wei-Yang Andy Lin is recognized as one of the most promising and only active performers who specializes in both western and eastern instruments.


Andy has been developing his high level of skill ever since he started playing the erhu when he was a child. Now, he serves as the artistic director and co-founder of the New Asia Chamber Music Society. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the prestigious Juilliard School and his Doctor’s degree in Musical Arts from SUNY Stony Brook. He has won numerous competitions including Taiwan National Viola Competition and First Prize in the 2008 Juilliard Viola Concerto Competition.

Wei-Yang Andy Lin is an incredibly passionate performer excited to teach the youth about this Chinese classical instrument. Two Bridges Music is now accepting registrations for Fall 2018 Erhu lessons. Lessons will be taught on Tuesdays on a weekly basis and lesson time can be scheduled individually. To inquire about Erhu lessons and register for the Fall semester, please contact Two Bridges Music at (646) 355-8397‬ /

Two Bridges Music现今很高兴开放私人二胡课程,由顶尖演奏家Andy Lin教授。从这个秋季开始,林维洋(Andy Lin)每周二将会在Two Bridges Music教授私人二胡课程。这件二弦乐器特别善于表达个人的感情。经过足够的练习,二胡甚至可以模仿平静的鸟鸣声。二胡声音优美,历史悠久,是Two Bridges Music一直致力于向大众传播的传统文化。

来自台湾现旅居纽约的中提琴及二胡演奏家,林维洋(Andy Lin)精通中西方乐器,被认为是最有潜力且活跃于舞台的演奏家之一。

Andy在他从小学习二胡时便开发了高超的演奏技巧。如今他是新亚室内乐协会(New Asia Chamber Music Society)的艺术总监及联合创始人。他在久负盛名的茱莉亚音乐学院先后取得学士及硕士学位,后在纽约州立大学石溪大学取得音乐艺术博士学位。他获奖无数,包括台湾全国中提琴大赛(Taiwan National Viola Competition)及2008年茱莉亚学院举办的中提琴协奏曲大赛一等奖。

林维洋(Andy Lin)是一位热情洋溢的演奏家,并对传授中国传统乐器感到十分激动。Two Bridges现接受对2018秋季二胡课程的预约。课程将会在每周二进行,授课时间将会进行个别安排。想要询问更多关于二胡课程的信息,或注册秋季课程,请联系电话(646)355-8397,邮箱。

  • by Virginia Li & Jasmine Chong
  • Translation by Jiaze Yao